Global Site Lists

in Need Help
Can someone please explain how this works? Is this different than a target URL list? Should it be activated? If so, what options?
Identified = Sites that SER has found a match for and might be able to post a link to
Submitted = Sites that have had a link posted
Verified = Sites where the submitted link has been found
Failed = Sites where the link couldn't be verified
For example, those that are successfully verified will go to your verified list.
With respect to your 3rd & 4th questions, I wouldn't even ponder turning on a site list until I had at least 3 months of linkbuilding under your belt. Otherwise you don't have a list worth anything.
As to whether you should use it, some do and many don't. I found that SER makes me plenty of new links, so I avoid using sitelists altogether. I keep my sitelists for a rainy day. Probably for a blast to churn and burns.
2 methods to import target lists
a global site list can be built by newbies by downloading site lists online > options > advanced > tools > search online for site lists = gets SER lists from pastebin
at least for newbies a viable options
select ONE group of list at a time else if you select many or all, you may find yourself several DAYS downloading
if SER crashes all download interrupted and to restart from scratch
dis-regard the upper progress bar = it appears near end and still may continue for a full day and bring several tten thousand new URLs
Above on regular ISP connection with normally max less than 1MBs
on faster connections things may go faster of course