This is the very first project I am running. So I guess it has to try to find targets? But I am getting a ridiculous, 1 LPM. There are like no links posted in verified
In short based on those settings the answer will be yes. If you're starting from scratch and want to build a list a bit quicker, do a dummy project to bing or google or wikipedia or some other authourity site and spam the f**k out of it.
Scrape a massive KW list or grab the 100k keyword list (somewhere on these forums)
Turn off all filters
Turn on all engines
This will increase the number of sites you'll be able to post to, but will take a few weeks before you reach a critical mass.
Your other options are to:
Buy one of the lists that are advertised on these forums and other sites.
Buy Scrapebox or Gscraper and scrape your own list.
Use the "Search Online for URLs" & "Search Online for Site Lists" built into SER
As you'd guess there are pros and cons to each.
List Buying
If you buy lists, no matter what the vendor says, you have absolutely no guarantee how often they have been sold or how spammed the sites are, so you could be effectively wasting time posting to sites that have already been penalised / de-indexed by Google.
I'm not saying that this is a fact with every list for sale, but it is something you should bear in mind if you choose that route.
On the flip side, it's quick and you will have potentially 50k sites you can post to. I've bought lots of lists in the past and some have been good and some have been worse than terrible.
Scrapebox and Gscraper allow you to find potential sites based on footprints, which are easily findable on this forum, BHW and others, or you can just copy them out of SER. Using either of these apps will have a learning curve and require some work, but there some excellent guides about including the new one from Jacob King.
To give you an example of what's possible with Scrapebox, over the last week I've managed to build a potential list of 40 million pages where I might be able to drop a link. I won't get anything like 40m links, but based on my averages with Scrapebox I could get something like 10 - 15 million pages where I'll be able to drop a link, which after they've been sanitized through SER might realistically be 500k - 1 million and I'd be happy with that.
With that in mind, do you buy a list of 50k sites for $40 or do you learn Scrapebox and build your own list of millions with Scrapebox for $57?
SER "Search Online for URLs" & "Search Online for Site Lists"
These do pretty much the same as Scrapebox, but aren't anywhere as fast or as in depth (@sven will flame me for that ). You bang in a footprint and set it searching. One scrapes the net just like SER does normally, but builds a list to post to later, where as the other scrapes lists from Pastebin type sites.
I'm guessing this might be the best place for you to start as it requires no more investment other than a bit of time setting them up.
Thanks, and I agree here: "With that in mind, do you buy a list of 50k sites for $40 or do you
learn Scrapebox and build your own list of millions with Scrapebox for
I have been contemplating buying it, I have not yet. will have to learn it.
I have been using the built in scraper, not 100% sure how to use it, I was using my keywords to get targeted URLs but then it seems I wind up getting the "no engine matches" during running of project.
You could also try GScraper free version, that allows you to scrape 100,000 urls at a time. But that's ok because you can tell it not to scrape duplicates so 100,000 uniques is plenty. I find Gscraper faster than Scrapebox, the only downside is GScraper free version doesn't scrape public proxies for you to search with.
So I purchased scrapebox and have a general idea how to work it, it is doing the first scrape now it says it is at like 60K links LOL but who knows how many are dups (it is still running). not too shabby.
helps you to get links without use of SE all you need is to get a list of blog comments
be creative and use other URLs as well NOT only blog comments !!! to start building your link list and understand that this published system is NOT AT ALL to get links to post comments, but to use comment links to find real sites with auto approve linked FROM the blog comments same source method could be used with guestbooks and other sites = just kick start your creative mind to find links using SB
I practice this method on slow ISP and get more potential links than I can process and submit to
after all external links obtained I use offline filtering of the site lists using inurl footprints found in SER then a cleaned up list = import tarrget URL, either on project / or Tier level or system wide using > options > tools > import target URLs
on SB to get country targeted domains for evenn more IP-diversity I added ALL known G SE by country (wikipedia has the link, just scrape the external links from that page and add ALL to your SB
then for each search that has inurl: and looks like starting at root of domain ADD the country TLD letters before your search string NOT site: and select that precise SE tld
for example I use in SB with G uk
"You are here" inurl:uk./node/
to get precise .uk sites this works fine for me and gets more new sites overlooked when using non-country specific SE
and you be amazed how many precise COUNTRY specific results you get to build up your site-list
In GSA SER Options -> Advanced -> Tools there is a built-in scraper for this kind of scraping, and also it can scrape other people's lists that they have saved on pastebin. This can get you a lot of targets fast, though it is not as fast as GScraper / Scrapebox.
set it to 300 threads, html timeout 50
posting to
doc sharing
PR above 2. skip sites over 50 OBL. avoid posting URL on same domain twice.
And now it is telling me all my Squid proxies are blocked... yet its barely posted anything. .43 LPM.
Proxies blocked doesn't help of course, what wait time do you set?
This will increase the number of sites you'll be able to post to, but will take a few weeks before you reach a critical mass.
Your other options are to:As you'd guess there are pros and cons to each.
List Buying
If you buy lists, no matter what the vendor says, you have absolutely no guarantee how often they have been sold or how spammed the sites are, so you could be effectively wasting time posting to sites that have already been penalised / de-indexed by Google.
I'm not saying that this is a fact with every list for sale, but it is something you should bear in mind if you choose that route.
On the flip side, it's quick and you will have potentially 50k sites you can post to. I've bought lots of lists in the past and some have been good and some have been worse than terrible.
Scrapebox and Gscraper allow you to find potential sites based on footprints, which are easily findable on this forum, BHW and others, or you can just copy them out of SER. Using either of these apps will have a learning curve and require some work, but there some excellent guides about including the new one from Jacob King.
To give you an example of what's possible with Scrapebox, over the last week I've managed to build a potential list of 40 million pages where I might be able to drop a link. I won't get anything like 40m links, but based on my averages with Scrapebox I could get something like 10 - 15 million pages where I'll be able to drop a link, which after they've been sanitized through SER might realistically be 500k - 1 million and I'd be happy with that.
With that in mind, do you buy a list of 50k sites for $40 or do you learn Scrapebox and build your own list of millions with Scrapebox for $57?
SER "Search Online for URLs" & "Search Online for Site Lists"
These do pretty much the same as Scrapebox, but aren't anywhere as fast or as in depth (@sven will flame me for that
). You bang in a footprint and set it searching. One scrapes the net just like SER does normally, but builds a list to post to later, where as the other scrapes lists from Pastebin type sites.
I'm guessing this might be the best place for you to start as it requires no more investment other than a bit of time setting them up.
Eeek, that was slightly more than I wanted to say"With that in mind, do you buy a list of 50k sites for $40 or do you learn Scrapebox and build your own list of millions with Scrapebox for $57?"
I have been contemplating buying it, I have not yet. will have to learn it.
I have been using the built in scraper, not 100% sure how to use it, I was using my keywords to get targeted URLs but then it seems I wind up getting the "no engine matches" during running of project.
But that's ok because you can tell it not to scrape duplicates so 100,000 uniques is plenty.
I find Gscraper faster than Scrapebox, the only downside is GScraper free version doesn't scrape public proxies for you to search with.
may be that method
helps you to get links without use of SE
all you need is to get a list of blog comments
be creative and use other URLs as well NOT only blog comments !!! to start building your link list
understand that this published system is NOT AT ALL to get links to post comments,
but to use comment links to find real sites with auto approve linked FROM the blog comments
same source method could be used with guestbooks and other sites = just kick start your creative mind to find links using SB
I practice this method on slow ISP and get more potential links than I can process and submit to
after all external links obtained
I use offline filtering of the site lists using inurl footprints found in SER
then a cleaned up list = import tarrget URL, either on project / or Tier level or system wide using
> options > tools > import target URLs
on SB to get country targeted domains for evenn more IP-diversity
I added ALL known G SE by country (wikipedia has the link, just scrape the external links from that page
and add ALL to your SB
then for each search that has inurl:
and looks like starting at root of domain
ADD the country TLD letters before your search string NOT site:
and select that precise SE tld
for example I use in SB with G uk
"You are here" inurl:uk./node/
to get precise .uk sites
this works fine for me and gets more new sites overlooked when using non-country specific SE
and you be amazed how many precise COUNTRY specific results you get to build up your site-list