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Problems in verifying links when running scheduler


I am having an issue in verifying links while running scheduler. I was used to run without scheduler. But as the number of projects get increased I moved in to using scheduler since GSA start freezing.

I have some projects which runs without any limitations. I have set their verifying mode to be manual with time interval of 5-10 mins. Also the option of "remove links after first verification" has been enabled. So when running in normal mode it is doing fine. It does the verifications and the numbers in the submitted column doesn't accumulate.

But when running with scheduler it gets accumulated which means that verifications are not done. Have anyone experienced this type of problem? Any help would be appreciated.


  • SvenSven
    Im using a 60 min custom time sometimes with "remove links" enabled as well. I couldn't see a problem at all. What type of sites are you submitting to? Maybe it's a problem on your email settings.
  • For those projects I am referring, are using Article sites. I have run these for more than 2 months now and haven't had any issues. I am using 15 min custom timeout. What could cause issues in email settings?
  • SvenSven
    Hard to say, paste some logs when verification is done please.
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