How Can I Create Multi-Tiers to 20 web 2.0?
Hello house,
I bought GSA,CB and Indexer on BHW and since then i have been reading this forum to increase my knowledge about this software and i would like to thank everyone here and people like ron and ozz just to mention a whose threads and responses have helped to fast track my knowledge on this software.
My question.
Is it possible for me to create a project where i will import 20 web 2.0 into where i will create tiers to them with specific keyword anchors and generic anchors too and I would also like to specify the number of links that will be built to them in all tiers. Regards
You can import the web 2.0's to create your T1 with wtv anchor you want, then create a T2 that posts all the links from T1.
On both tiers you can specify how many links you want per day.
Hope that helps.