in Need Help
I going to be getting a VPS this weekend and I think I might be going with solidseovps, unless someone can recommend me something else.
I have a few questions about them that I can find on the site. I am new to ordering a VPS, so if these questions are stupid, sorry about that.
When ordering, it's asking me what operating system I want, don't these come with a windows operating system already?
What operating system should I be getting for ser? They have windows server 2008 ENT 32 bit and 64 bit.
Do I need to get a control panel (CPanel)?
Is there a coupon code for SER users?
Is there any FTP access for the VPS to upload files and stuff?
I have posted a few of these questions in other threads where the solidseovps guy was posting, but don't think they were ever answered.
Thank you in advance to all who try and help me out.
I use solidseovps and have been very happy with them, fast connection and reliable service so far.
To answer your questions.
- I have windows server 2008 64 bit, not sure if it makes any difference - Some other users can hopefully answer that for you.
- You don't need cPanel if you are using it for SER and similar software only.
- I don't know of any discount code but it's pretty cheap already.
- You can access the VPS via remote desktop connection from your PC. That's all you need if you only want to run software on it.
I hope that helps.
All the settings on CB and SER are identical so I'm guessing it has to be something server related.
But i'm not really experienced enough to tell you what the problem might be, sorry about that
I bought some from the guy on this forum - No problems so far.