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Problem with verified links

I ran a project today using the verified URLs (all unique domains) from a different project. The project yesterday had, same settings set, around 1700 verified links, so was the number used in the target list for the new project.

However, I'm seeing after verification only around 1000 verified links today and browsing through the log, getting a lot of 'no engine matches' although those have been recognized just yesterday.

Any idea how to solve that problem? My idea would be to re-run the target list and checking 'avoid posting URL on same domain twice', other than that I have no clue how to improve the verified links to match the first project.

Anybody found a solution for this problem or is facing it as well? Thoughts and tip on this issue would help me a lot, since it's a significant difference compared to the first run.


  • SvenSven
    Show us some samples from the log.
  • SvenSven
    fixed in next version.
  • Awesome thanks. By the way, if I rename the old version program file to something custom, will it be saved when doing a new update ? Meaning to say, right now I'm running 6.53 under the gsa standard backup for the previous version, if I rename the .exe into something custom and upgrade to 6.55, will hte 6.53 still work and 6.54 be saved under the standard previous .exe name?
  • SvenSven
    yes, nothing is removed if you put custom files there.
  • edited October 2013
    I have the same problem, no engine matches using sites from Verified. What to do? I imported 800 links taken from Verified links of another project, and I get 60 verified for this new project.
  • SvenSven
    And you are sure the sites are still up and working? Also see that your proxies are OK.
  • Yes, going over several sites, I see there are issues with them, but there are also siteS that load ok and cataloged as no engine matches. Thanks for such a fast reply! :)
  • SvenSven
    Please provide the "no engine match" sites. Maybe the engines have to be updated.
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