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platform uknown...?

i have create links on this platform with SER ...
but if i use Import URL (identify platforms and sort in) it says unknown... why?


  • SvenSven
    I guess you domn't like to share the script so I can not help you to see whats wrong here.
  • cherubcherub
    Looks like it might be the SocialEngine platform
  • SvenSven
    yes it's indeed that engine. Will try to debug later.
  • its not my own script, yeah it was created by SER automatically and for some reason it says platform unknown...
  • SvenSven
    Just imported that site and it was detected as SocialEngine and I was able to place a link as well.
  • wow looks like the site has been spammed to dead... is dead now... anyways @sven the thing is SER created a link on that platform and i wanted to know what platform was that.. so i copy the url and go to Options, Advanced, tools, Import urls (identify platform and sort in) then i press OK, and says unknown
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