Pr-? of doom is back
Seems like the pr-? of doom has returned again
If it helps to try and find the problem. The computer I experience the constant problem on is running windows 7, 64 bit, ultimate edition. i7 processor, 8 gig of ram
Tried running gsa a couple of times. My old trusty version 4.28 no longer works
After the initial update to the latest release, on 40 threads it was zooming through submissions until the dreaded pr-? of doom struck
Tried several times times now and after a couple of hours running it returns. In the past you knew it would be about the 80 submissions mark.
Now, it just happens at no guestimated time
Its as though for some reason its not rotating the proxies being being used.
It will get stuck using one proxy, thats a poke in the dark guess at whats happening
Stop and restart gsa and it flies again until the pr-? of doom kicks in again
Its also bottle necking still
Run it at 40 threads and it flies, 50 threads and the it dont increase in network usage. 100 threads and your still seeing no increase in network usage. In the past you would increase your threads until you noticed web pages taking longer to load etc, bump the threads over night when no one else was using the net at home
Well the PR checking is done in sequences. If google blocks you the PR checking might take the timeout value to finish and return with PR-?. So that would explain your "no network usage".
Though the proxy is rotated so that can't be the issue here.