Queston on text based captchas

in Need Help
Anyone use the option to solve text based questions? Any idea what the ratio is for these vs regular image based ones solvable by cb or cs?
How do these work, even if they are not readable images for the software, don't they still have the answers to their own questions set in the page somewhere that could be picked up and read? Or are these tricky in the sense that the answers are not named something standard and therefor not automatable?
How do these work, even if they are not readable images for the software, don't they still have the answers to their own questions set in the page somewhere that could be picked up and read? Or are these tricky in the sense that the answers are not named something standard and therefor not automatable?
of course you don't see the answer to the questions on the html source if your question was that. The number of text captchas used on pages is relatively high. Of course it depends on the engines you use but on every category you have engines that use them.
I would say text based captchas are not as much as image based captchas but they are a lot as well.
Is there a way for me to see in the logs how many sites are using text based captchas? In gsa or cb?
I'm going to enable this, thanks
Of course it is not visible on the source as well. It is saved on the server. Cookies or hidden values have a reference to the valid result stored on the server. Or it is encrypted/hashed in cookies or hidden values.