Easy Feature
Cape Town
In the projects window could we have a column after verified that shows success percent. This column could be hideable for those who are not interested, but for me it's very important. I want to know what % of submitted URL's are verified.
I have 120 projects running and 30 groups.
Currently a few of my groups have around a 25% verified ratio to submissions and some are around 3%. Having this column would quickly allow me to identify projects/groups that need immediate work and analysis as to why they are not getting the links verified.
This should be really easy to add. Verified links/submissions x 100 = success rate %.
Please don't tell whats easy or not.
This is not possible as the program does not keep track of all submissions every done. You will see the number in the submitted column going down when a URL is moved to verified and if the URL timed out (to many unsuccessful checks). So the program will not be able to calculate the correct % after the first submitted URL timed out.