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Not Seeing GSA Links Within Indexification with API

I'm simply not getting any of my GSA verified links sent to Indexification via API key. I spoke with support for Indexification and he told me that all links sent from GSA API should be contained within a campaign (automatically setup by Indexification) called GSA_ for easy location. This doesn't seem to happen, along with the fact that my "Total Links" have not increased.

I'm not sure what I could be doing wrong, as the API key is very straightforward. I double checked the API key to ensure it is correct. What else should I check? Anyone else having problems with this?


  • SvenSven
    Well what happens in log when you manually send the links (right mouse button on show verified urls dialog)?
  • Interesting feature......

    I opened up verified links for a project >> selected a few links >> right clicked >> Index/Ping Selected URLs >> Indexification. Nothing happened.

    I also tried this process for GSA SEO indexer and nothing happened as well.
  • SvenSven
    Select more than 100 to see it instantly.
  • ok done......still nothing
  • cherubcherub
    No problems with Indexification here, last campaign sent from SER just a couple of minutes ago. Make sure there is no leading or trailing whitespace when copy/pasting the API key (though you probably already have)
  • yep...first thing I checked.
  • Ok.....think I got this resolved. All I had to do was restart GSA. :-D . Thanks!
  • cherubcherub
    Turning it off and on again, the solution to 99% of IT problems ;)
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