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Why are the amount of footprints different in this 2 modules?

edited September 2012 in Other / Mixed
In the

Settings /Advanced / Tools / Search Online for URLs
Settings /Advanced / Tools / Search Online for site lists

there are not the same footprints to select. Some Engines are Missing in "Search Online for site lists".

Why are the different?

Rgds Marc


  • cherubcherub
    AFAIK, the footprints that feature inurl: wouldnt be useable when searching for site lists, as the inurl: filter will already be in use
  • SvenSven
    site lists can only be identified by stings in the url as site lists list only the url. So every other footprint without "inurl" is useless when searching for sitelists.
  • OK… because some Engine/CMS are missing… The footprints of the missing Engines are with and without "inurl" like: Statusnet. It has footprints of both…


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