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Are there SER verified lists for sale anywhere?

or are there plans for this?


  • SvenSven
    No lists and noone likes to share that.
  • Sorry @mishav, we've all worked really hard to get our lists, so it'll be unlikely that you'll get anyone to share, however you can buy/scrape/search for lists on forums etc that you can import and you can also use SER to scrape your own sites to post to and build your own list
  • The problem with selling lists is they will eventually become spammed to death. Best bet is to get yourself a copy of scrapebox.
  • Metster is a complete weirdo, yes please go to the url indicated for yourself.
  • edited August 2013
    Remember scrapebox and everyone selling/trading AA list. We all know what happen to blog comment links. It made it easy for every newbie to blast out to websites. If someone is selling/trading lists chances are the lists isn't that good or else why would they be selling/trading it. Also a large list is not needed to see good results.

    Selling and trading lists is a bad idea overall.
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