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How to build tier 2 and 3 links to only certain types of BL's

Ok so what I want to do is I want to build all types of tier 1 links, article, forum, guestbook, blog comments, wiki, everything almost.  But I only want to build tier 2 links to lets say  articles, wiki's, web 2.0's etc.  I do not want to build links to social bookmarks,  blog comments, guestbook, stuff like that.  Is there a way to do that?  Or if not is that something you would consider adding in the next update?  

I know lots of you are going to say why would you want to do that.  Well its working for me. lol  I believe the more diverse and realistic BL profile the better, and so far, none of my site have got hit by penguin 2.0. So i must be doing something right. 


  • The way to do it is to split your tier 1 into two separate projects, one containing the ones you will build tier two links to and the rest in the other.

  • Good suggestion.  Thanks
  • ....  #-o
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