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Which captcha service?

Which captcha service have a high success rate for solving recaptcha? can antigate solve recaptcha since it's the cheapest out of all services?


  • I use antigate since a while for anything CB cant do

    mostly recapthca but also others

    recatpcha I follow / monitor atigate answers and see that almost all are answered correctly AND quickly
    typical answer time about 10 seconds for recaptcha

     - I have no stats but from my direct observation of the antigate "Realtime monitor" around 90% (or even more) are correct

    just a few times a completely wrong answer no where relevant to the captcha (may be watchng movie or playing facebook same time?)

    the key to to success in antigate is to bid HIGH
    I bid max = 9.99 / 1000
    any bid below 5$/1000 you find yourself left out when server load is high during peak hours - then only higher bidders get solved all others "look in the moon"
    I started default bid (1/1000)
    then increase to 4 then 5,
    until I figured out the secret of high bidding to secure a slot in peak load times to avoid unsolved captcha

    high bids NEVER means you pay high per day - just single captchas when server load high (server load = less humans available than captcha to be solved during the seconds you present a captcha)

    today - this minute my antigate shows

    captchas for last 24 hours    5981
    money spent for last 24 hours    $8.363

    as you can figure out easily - with a max bid of 9.99/1000 I still pay FAR less than 2$/1000 on daily average and that makes antigate the cheapest to solve recaptcha and other captcha unsolvable by CB
  • You guys can solve unlimited recaptcha at 65% accuracy with us its fixed monthly rent starts from 30$ monthly
  • JamesJames
    I use Expert Decoders.. I can say they are good, much better than DBC and for $1.38 per 1000
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