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type of backlinks to create

MrXMrX Germany
Can someone explain the functionality of the "Type of backlinks to create" section to me ?
Like how do the options there influence the results of my linkbuilding ?


  • SvenSven

    It simply skips the submission step or if one engine is only producing the unchecked types of links, it is not even searching for targets on that engine.

    Let's take "Profile-URL" and "Profile-Contextual"; The first one will only create a link with the URL itself as anchor text. The second one will create a link with surrounding text you define in "About yourself" with the anchor you defined.

    If you do not want to create the first type of link, you simply uncheck it and you get only contextual profile links.

  • MrXMrX Germany
    Answer accepted ;) Thank you Sven !!
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