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random url and anchor text

I was wondering how people use the random url and anchor text token. I saw a video by Sven about how to input that in Kontent Machine but I'm not sure how people use it and if random_url and random_keyword is input, where does GSA take those from? Is it just to add another keyword and url into your article?



  • edited June 2013
    Could you provide a link to that video?

    I am wondering same.

    Also wondering if it applies all of the randomization to the injected links and anchors.
    If it keeps anchors and url's in sync throughout the injection.

  • SvenSven
    %random_url% and %random_anchor_text% are used to add another pair of your project URLs to the content. However this is not really needed as the program adds that on it's own when %url% or %anchor_text% are used more than once in the content.
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