%LINK% Macro Not Closing With Endquote
Minor little bug here. The %link% macro is not using proper tags. I just noticed this recently, so it must be due to a recent update.
Normal tag should be: a href="http://www.mywebsite.com"
Currently %link% is creating a href="http://www.mywebsite.com
...without the endquote "
This is causing many links to not verify and also entire paragraphs to show as links. I'm sure its an easy fix. If someone can tell me which file it is in I'm sure I can edit it.
@Sven My apologies if this has already been mentioned somewhere else, but I did not see it. Please feel free to move it.
Normal tag should be: a href="http://www.mywebsite.com"
Currently %link% is creating a href="http://www.mywebsite.com
...without the endquote "
This is causing many links to not verify and also entire paragraphs to show as links. I'm sure its an easy fix. If someone can tell me which file it is in I'm sure I can edit it.
@Sven My apologies if this has already been mentioned somewhere else, but I did not see it. Please feel free to move it.
Also, the issue is hard to see. I only noticed it because I will sometimes copy and paste the content GSA spits out into a Wordpress site to check it.
Everything in the data fields looks fine, but if you hit the "test" button to see the spin, that is when you notice the links created with %link% are not closing with a ". Video and image embeds are still working properly.
To further test, I just added %link% at the end of each data field (description, about, article, etc.) and hit the "test" button. The only field that it is not working properly in is the "Article" field. All of the others the link is being built properly.
Try putting %link% in the article data field of one of your projects and hitting the "test" button. Its just 1 little missing endquote after the ".com." See screenshot above.
Replacing %link% with the %url% %anchor_text% macro works fine also, its just the %link% in the article field that I'm having an issue with.
Anyway, thank you for fixing it and kudos on the new anchor text changes