Im really confused about setting up the Categories field.
I watched the videos which showed parent child categories getting entered but I havnt a clue what Im really trying to do in that field. Can someone help explain whats going on there so I may fill it out properly.
At the moment I just think of it as my keywords.
If you're in the weight loss niche you would think of what categories a website like that might have.
You can put in *weight loss*, *fitness*, *exercise*, *lose weight*, *Health*, etc.
I always throw in a *General* and *Miscellaneous* category as backups.
You don't have to make any child categories, that's just an option.
Well the better you define this the more chances you have to get a verified link. This category is not only used to choose one from a selection box, but it is also used to browse the site. Let me explain...
Some sites don't have a box to choose the category, but you have to browse on there site to the correct category and a cookie is stored when you finally press the "Submit URL to this Category". And for some engines this link is only available if you have reached the last sub category link. So using all basic keywords here is not working that good as you can imagine. For software you have to browse first to Computer category followed by Software and maybe than even Shareware. Than you will see a "Submit here" link and the program can place a link.
Unfortunately there is no way how the software knows these categories as the site owners have there own labeling here usually. You might have to visit some sites if you get a message like "unable to fill category" in the log window.
But don't worry this is mainly used for directories (not many though but some important like php link directory). If you don't define them correctly you are not missing to much.