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Need help on BlogEngine GSA script

I developed a GSA script to publish on BlogEngine CMS.
In Log window, I have this

19:28:46: [ ] Loaded 1 URL from imported sites
19:28:53: [+] 1/1 matches engine AutoApprove - BlogEngine -
19:28:53: [+] 1/1 submission successful (1 submitted - AVG: 427,35/h) -

but comment is not published. Why ?
I appreciate the help and troubleshooting...  I'm sure it's something obvious!

My BlogEngine GSA Script

default checked=0
engine type=AutoApprove
description=Submits a comment to the auto approve BlogEngine blog.
anchor text=1
creates own page=0
uses pages=0

page must have1=class="commentForm"
page must have2=Leave a comment|Write a Comment|Add a comment|Add comment|Save comment|Enregistrer les commentaires

search term="Powered by Blogsmith"|"Powered by BlogEngine"
add keyword to search=1
use blog search=1

extract keywords=1
extract keywords ignore=blogengine, blog

;submit failed=
;submit success=

verify on unknown status=0
verify submission=1
verify by=url
verify interval=5
verify timeout=60
verify search detail url=0

; Variables we have to define for this engine
allow html=<b>, <i>, <u>
allow return=1
must be filled=1
hint=Please use some comments here that will be posted to the blogs. Use the spin syntax heavily here. Also you can use variables like %blog_title%, %meta_keyword% or %keyword%.
custom mode=1
auto modify=1
auto add anchor url=0
auto add anchor url content=%file-auto_anchor.dat%

allow html=0
must be filled=1
hint=Use the keyword that you would like your page getting ranked for. Also use spin syntax here for more than one anchor text.
alternate data=%spinfile-names.dat%

; Extract variables that we get from the blog html content
allow html=0

default=blog topic
allow html=0

; Form variables and how to fill them
link type=Comment-Contextual/Anchor text
form name=aspnetForm*
form url=*/post/%blog_title%*
form id=aspnetForm
variable must be used=url
match by prefill=0



  • SvenSven

    Turn the debug mode on (options->advanced) and see whats on there.

    It says "successful as you didn't define any "submit failed=" or "submit success=" messages.

  • Sven,

    Here Print Screen with debug Window.
    Submission seem to be OK but verification is KO.

  • SvenSven
    Sorry, but that doesn't help. You have to double click the entry to see if there is some error message in the browser that indicates whats wrong. I haven't checked your script as I am not in office but might do that tomorrow.
  • OK Sven, thank's  for your help. ;)

    NB : I double click the entry.  I see information in form field but no error message.

  • SvenSven

    change "form name=aspnetForm*" to "form name=aspnetForm - Save comment|aspnetForm* !Vote !search"

    Else it chooses the wrong form to submit things.

  • edited May 2013
    Sven, Thank you for explaining in more detail why?
    How do you find that this is not the correct form which is selected?

    In some script engine, I notice this expression: form name=*post*Submit
    What does it means?

    If in source code I have
      <form name="aspnetForm" method="post" action="/sw/Blog/post/Welcome-to-BlogEngineNET-1-4.aspx" onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit();" id="aspnetForm" class="body">
    <input id="btnSaveAjax" type="button" tabindex="7" onclick="if(Page_ClientValidate('AddComment')){AddComment()}" value="Enregistrer les commentaires"></input>

    So I have to change form name in this manner
    form name=aspnetForm - Enregister les commentaires|aspnetForm - Save comment|aspnetForm* !Vote !search

  • SvenSven
    in the debug window you see the form match data and the variables for form name, id, url...
  • edited May 2013
    Hummmm ... Strange, very strange.

    I change "form name=aspnetForm*" to "form name=aspnetForm - Save comment|aspnetForm* !Vote !search"
    GSA say publish OK but Verification is KO. It's normal that verification is KO, nothing is publish.

    GSA Log
    18:10:45: [+] 1/1 matches engine AutoApprove - BlogEngine -
    18:10:45: [+] 1/1 submission successful (1 submitted - AVG: 923,08/h) -
    18:11:41: [ ] Attention! No more targets, but also no search engines selected in project.
    18:12:41: [ ] Attention! No more targets, but also no search engines selected in project.
    18:13:41: [ ] Attention! No more targets, but also no search engines selected in project.
    18:13:41: [ ] Verifying links...
    18:13:43: [-] 100% Verification not successful -
    18:13:43: [ ] Verifying finished

    In log window
    form match data for STEP1

    In debug window
    [+] match: 006, name: aspnetForm - Save comment, id: aspnetForm, url:
    [-] match: 002, name: aspnetForm - Search, id: aspnetForm, url:

    OK => match aspnetForm - Save comment

    In log window
    submission data for STEP1

    In debug window
    ctl00$cphBody$CommentView1$ddlCountry=th  [type: RADIO/SELECT]
    __EVENTTARGET=  [type: HIDDEN]
    __VIEWSTATE=/wEPDwUKLTI2MTM1MTE0NQ9kFgJmD2QWBAIBDxYE...<cut>...oR0oE++1w==  [type: HIDDEN]
    ctl00$cphBody$CommentView1$txtName=Isa John  [type: TEXT]
    ctl00$cphBody$CommentView1$  [type: TEXT]
    ctl00$cphBody$CommentView1$txtWebsite=  [type: TEXT]
    ctl00$cphBody$CommentView1$hfCaptcha=d2575f9e-857f-4aa9-91c9-97f23dca285c  [type: HIDDEN]
    __EVENTVALIDATION=/wEWhwEC36S98Q4Cyqvt2wMC1eX3owwCruLkxgwC...<cut>...XyYGbSKZQ==  [type: HIDDEN]
    ctl00$cphBody$CommentView1$txtContent=Pretty! This has been a really wonderful...<cut> details.  [type: MEMO]

  • SvenSven
    Maybe the __EVENTTARGET= and __EVENTARGUMENT= have to be set manually with "add fixed data" as this might happen by javascript. Just compare it when spying what the browser sends.
  • OK Sven, It's a good idea !

    I spying what the browser sends and I found 2 variables (__CALLBACKID & __CALLBACKPARAM) specified by JavaScript.  One of this variable is specified with value of hidden input form (It's ctl00$cphBody$CommentView1$hfCaptcha)

    How can I set manually with add fixed data ?
    add fixed data=__CALLBACKPARAM=Value of ctl00$cphBody$CommentView1$hfCaptcha
  • SvenSven





    add fixed data=__CALLBACKPARAM=%ext_var%

  • OK.

    To test my GSA script Post parameters is it possible to change URL to post on my URL. This Url is PHP script who display Post variables

    1) Connect to the blog engine HTML Page
    2) Post Parameters to my own PHP page
  • SvenSven
    I don't understand what you mean sorry.
  • When I debug script,  to avoid multiple connection and publish on the target sites, is there a function to redirect the action Post Form to my own Url and not to the action form Url of the site?

    On my url, I have a PHP script that displays wholes variables parameters of the post URL (similar to what is shown in the GSA debug log window).

  • SvenSven
    you see that all in the debug window. No need to modify the scripts to see it.
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