Is My Tier'd Structure OK?
I've got several projects running for a few weeks now and have not seen to much SEO activity and use pretty much easy to
moderate keywords to rank for and was wondering if my Tier's project is set up correctly? I'm using Ron's Tiered diagram.
- TIER 1 (links using the target URL(s) toward my money site)
- TIER 1A (use verified URLS of TIER 1)
- TIER 2 (use verified URLS of TIER 1)
- TIER 2A (use verified URLS of TIER 2)
- TIER 3 (use verified URLS of TIER 2)
-TIER 3A (use verified URLS of TIER 3)
I use the exact same Anchor Text in all my Tiers and also the same Keywords extracted using a cool tool called
KEyWordMap Pro.
All my Tiers are building 10 links per day and I have the "per URL" checkbox checked for all Tiers except Tier 1.
moderate keywords to rank for and was wondering if my Tier's project is set up correctly? I'm using Ron's Tiered diagram.
- TIER 1 (links using the target URL(s) toward my money site)
- TIER 1A (use verified URLS of TIER 1)
- TIER 2 (use verified URLS of TIER 1)
- TIER 2A (use verified URLS of TIER 2)
- TIER 3 (use verified URLS of TIER 2)
-TIER 3A (use verified URLS of TIER 3)
I use the exact same Anchor Text in all my Tiers and also the same Keywords extracted using a cool tool called
KEyWordMap Pro.
All my Tiers are building 10 links per day and I have the "per URL" checkbox checked for all Tiers except Tier 1.
That is why I have "per URL" checkbox checked on all my lower tiers. I multiplies the abount of links by 100.
I use highly readable/spun articles and embed my links inside the content.
How do you set up posting from spin folder?