Letters in "anchor text" - list of ver. urls
I have a problem with polish special characters like ó,ś,ć,ń,ł,ź,ż . Anchor text on backlink site is ok because i checked it manually but in verified urls window i see:

There should be "kraków".
I am worry about second tier, because GSA will take this bad formatted achor tekst as secend tier anchor... (or not?). Can yoy fix it Sven? For Polish nation

There should be "kraków".
I am worry about second tier, because GSA will take this bad formatted achor tekst as secend tier anchor... (or not?). Can yoy fix it Sven? For Polish nation

EDIT: When i am exporting csv data from "show ver URLS" there are normal anchors with all my chars so mayby it is only GUI bug
Should be "czyszczenie wykładzin katowice" there is _ , should be "ł". In oryginal TIER there is ok, problem is with second tier, when GSA is taking anchor from GUI or something.
This is really important for us (Poland).
In 100% cases (webs), polish letters are bad when we are talking about 1 tier (when GSA takes anchor from previuos "zero-tier", from own database). Like i sad, when i write polish letters by my finger in "anchor" form in the oryginal project there is no problem.