Pligg Doesn't Verify The Bookmark
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but when I'm running an imported (regardless of imported) list of Pligg sites, GSA will sometimes count the URL as "verified" when it finds it on the homepage or the 'upcoming' page. An example of a verified URL I got (I got a LOT like these) is the one below:
It sees my actual bookmark page, but since it finds the domain on that upcoming.php page, it stops there and doesn't verify my actual bookmark page.
I still haven't grasped the whole script engine yet, so maybe someone else could attempt to make GSA go one extra step further and verify that bookmark page instead of stopping at upcoming.php? It would be something like %Website_title% for the macro.
EDIT: So after taking a look into the Pligg Engine file, I did comprehend the verify section more. It seems as if "verify search detail url=1" is not always working. What is happening is that it sees my bookmark page on upcoming.php, and instead of following the rules of "verify search detail url=1", it simply stops there and says that upcoming.php is the verified URL. Any ideas @Sven?
It sees my actual bookmark page, but since it finds the domain on that upcoming.php page, it stops there and doesn't verify my actual bookmark page.
I still haven't grasped the whole script engine yet, so maybe someone else could attempt to make GSA go one extra step further and verify that bookmark page instead of stopping at upcoming.php? It would be something like %Website_title% for the macro.
EDIT: So after taking a look into the Pligg Engine file, I did comprehend the verify section more. It seems as if "verify search detail url=1" is not always working. What is happening is that it sees my bookmark page on upcoming.php, and instead of following the rules of "verify search detail url=1", it simply stops there and says that upcoming.php is the verified URL. Any ideas @Sven?
@Trevor_Bandura - Yeah that's what we are discussing. I would like to see it grab that bookmark URL as well.