No Bookmark Story URLs in SER 5.81?
SER 5.81 is only verifying bookmark profiles and not the story URLs. Has verification for story URLs stopped or does it need a special setting? There are also duplicates with an appended "&" at the end of the profile name.
There's no content in the profiles. I really need the story URLs. How to get these?
There's no content in the profiles. I really need the story URLs. How to get these?
Out of a list I just scraped with 8,000 urls, I got just over 2,000 verifications. Many are duplicate URLs of the same profile and less than 10 story URLs. My submission seems to be fine, but if I want the story URLs I have to go into each verified profile URL to get them. Nobody has time for that, and I don't want to build another tier pointing to these bookmark profile pages.
Is this a bug or has support for bookmark story URLs been dropped from SER?
Version 5.82 has no more duplicates but still hardly any story.php verifications. From 500 bookmarks, just one story.php page verified.
When do the rest get verified? I ran a complete imported list and only one story.php verified after the list was processed. Can I force it to verify story.php links on my completed project?
Running 5.83 and duplicate bug squashed. Thanks!
But I still can't get story URLs. I set to active verify and it says:
19:18:24: Starting project
19:18:24: [!] No more links to verify (verify only mode), stopping!
19:18:24: Project stopped!
It verifies just those awaiting in "submitted" and not the profiles it verified.
Out of 1185 Pligg bookmarks, there are about 70 story URLs returned after imported list was submitted to and stopped on its own because of no more targets.
I'm not sure what is going on, but there is something major wrong with Pligg bookmark platform.