Tier One Page Rank - Yes Or No?
Hi all. I have been considering unchecking the page rank settings on my Tier 1 links, I have currently got it set to Skip Sites With A PR Below 1 and am running articles, social bookmarks and social networks. (have wikis,blog comments running separately to money site with there own pr settings). I continue to read numerous post on forums suggesting PR to be a waste of time, and am starting to think that way to.
I am trying to rank 2 websites, 1st one has 27k local monthly searches and low comp and the 2nd has 12K and low comp, sites were built middle of march and have been using gsa since beginning of April and both sites are currently dancing between pages 2 and 3 of Google.
Why I feel I want to uncheck PR is I want to increase my verified links on T1 and it seems to have stalled at around 20 per day, this does not included the 50 or so web 2.0's built each day, and also feel it would seem more natural to have no PR site as well and high PR.
Open to discussion.........
TBH though if you just want more verifieds then just up your submitted number
Adding more keywords or search engines etc, just a thought
WTH... went ahead and purchased anyway.
Been on the prowl for a email account creator, this seems to be the best alternative to what's available on the market to date.
Guys, just remember that when you create new properties - wikis, web 2.0, social network, articles, bookmarks, etc. - there are no other links except like 2-3 in the sidebar.
It is a massive waste of time and SER resource to filter something that doesn't exist anyway.
And if you want to try and find blog comments with less than 100 OBL, good luck finding those needles in the haystack. That project is better served using SB or Gscraper.