Free Keyword Rank Tracker, 100% Accurate, Support all Google Countries and Language, Update Daily

Accurate Rank Tracking
Check keyword the same as normal user, exclude the news and images in serp and adwords. GEO and language Target your preferred Google(.com .ca/ with en/es/fr/etc).
Quick and easy to use , support mobile
Track keyword in minutes after you add keyword. After that, it will contiute to track keyword rank every day. Clean Interface by twitter opensource gui competiable with mobile phone and different browser.
Track rank over time, glance by graphic chart
View your historical rankings over specific range by line chart or table
Multiple Project / Clients by Keyword Categories
Manage keywords into Categories. Add, modify, manage, del categories as need Check report for any category by a private link without login with clients.
To do list
Excel Reports [done]
Check PR/ALEXA/blacklinks(from ahrefs/majesticseo)
Alert once one of your keywords enters/leaves the 1/10 position.
Email report on schedule Custom
API Access
I very appreciate if any advice to keep it improved.
Check keyword the same as normal user, exclude the news and images in serp and adwords. GEO and language Target your preferred Google(.com .ca/ with en/es/fr/etc).
Quick and easy to use , support mobile
Track keyword in minutes after you add keyword. After that, it will contiute to track keyword rank every day. Clean Interface by twitter opensource gui competiable with mobile phone and different browser.
Track rank over time, glance by graphic chart
View your historical rankings over specific range by line chart or table
Multiple Project / Clients by Keyword Categories
Manage keywords into Categories. Add, modify, manage, del categories as need Check report for any category by a private link without login with clients.
To do list
Excel Reports [done]
Check PR/ALEXA/blacklinks(from ahrefs/majesticseo)
Alert once one of your keywords enters/leaves the 1/10 position.
Email report on schedule Custom
API Access
I very appreciate if any advice to keep it improved.
Sign up at
Send someone a private link to keyword rank chart in a specific category to easily view real time result without login or embed it in any webpage to rich your content.
I just get a red error message bar across the bottom of the screen without any message
I like it! Easy to use. Thanks. My comment would be to expand to Yahoo and Bing.
awint Well in my country the combined share is around 30% so it does matter. Plus the real key is clients want to see it also.
Here is another feature that I am not sure if I have even seen in other rank trackers but would be very cool and frankly should be in every tracking software. A search result may have two or three SERP's listed in the say first page. But most software, including yours stops once it finds the first. So you may own position 1 and 3 but it only shows position one. That would be a very nice feature to be able to see that you have 2 or 3 listings in the top 10 or fist page. This would really only need to be done if for first page results.
seems like a pretty good tracker
but it is only first day so far