All the right settings, but only 6LPM
Hi there, any assistance is really appreciated here.

I have been running GSA for about 15 hours, after setting up the following on a brand new VPS.
I've running on a VPS from Berman Hosting - Dual core/2GB
Using 30 semi dedicated proxies from
I am using Captcha Breaker with a 80% + success rate with DeathByCaptcha as option 2
Running GSA at 300 threads with 100 HTML timeout
I'm part of a Skype group where Verified lists are merged and shared - I've imported a verified list of about 70,000 urls. I have changed all the engines to match the verified urls. I've also gone through FatSteve's video and deselected any platforms that have under 15 successful submissions from the huge verified list. I've opted out of using exploits - in the platform selection as well.
I have used KM to generate & export content into GSA. I've imported the 100k most searched terms on Google and used them in the keywords section.
I downloaded a .ses export from FatSteve which had 30 search engines selected that he recommends.
I've been using the same email - with the spam filter etc setup. I dont think it would have been banned by this short time of usage.

So, all the boxes are ticked I think.. You can see CPU and Mem usage isnt that high.
Anything else to try?! 

Thank you
I wouldn't focus on LpM. I would focus on if the URL list is any good. If these URLs are verified to work with GSA, then you shouldn' t be getting "no engine matches" or "download failed" messages
You also don't want 30 search engines. Reduce that to about 4 or 5
One more thing i want to add here, All projects are going for verifying again and again the whole day