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Hardware for GSA SER

MrXMrX Germany
edited April 2013 in Other / Mixed
This goes straight to sven ;)
I just upgraded my home server to 8gb ram and a 3ghz quadcore to make SER even faster.
As SER seems to do a lot of read/write operations to the harddrive, I was wondering if a SSD would optimize the performance of SER?


  • magicmastermind  i aggree with should go with SSD..i saw GSA use hdd and its very busy task so SSD will help you to achive that.

  • SvenSven

    write operations: save project every 5 min. Thats not really much

    read operations: imported urls each 1mb will they are all procceed + read from global sitelists if enabled.

    I don't think this is a lot r/w access. Though a SSD makes things always faster, but it's not really a bottleneck. 

  • MrXMrX Germany
    OK, i wasnt sure how often the software does a request so I asked. SSD wouldnt be that usefull though.
    Thank you!
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