BC question....

I have made sure to untick the 'Always add link to desription' box , but still most of my blog comments are being added with the link inside the text itself. EG:
hi there this is my comment.
check out my website
I think that Akismet etc flags comments with links in the actual content, I really just want to place it in the URL field (i.e. where it usuallly has Name, Email fields). I am assuming GSA is putting it into the Description because it couldn't fill it out in the Website field for some reason??
hi there this is my comment.
check out my website
I think that Akismet etc flags comments with links in the actual content, I really just want to place it in the URL field (i.e. where it usuallly has Name, Email fields). I am assuming GSA is putting it into the Description because it couldn't fill it out in the Website field for some reason??