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Fresh Content for Projects?

edited April 2013 in Need Help
Hi i am just starting out with GSA SER and i am very excited to get started!

I have read through a lot of the great helpful advice given but haven't come across any mention,  if the content used in projects is updated?

Do you suggest to update your articles, titles, keywords etc on a weekly basis, Or do you just continue blasting the same content?

I will be using KM for my tier 2 + so this wouldn't take long at all to update.

Thanks in advance


  • I also try to put in "fresh" content.
  • Hi @theorbital so you do use fresh content on your projects? If so how often do you change this, weekly,monthly?

    If i'm using a Spun content there can only be a certain amount of variations so wondered when people usually change it.

  • I use spin content but sentence level spinning and not word level to make it more readable.

    I'm constantly creating new projects so they don't stick around too long but I would freshen it up weekly. this is of course dependent on how many links you are building.

    I'm all about as less of a footprint as possible and that was one reason why I created my email tool, Account creator +
  • Thanks Orb, I will take a look at Sentence spinning to make it more readable!

    Just purchased ACW so will see if this works well for Tiers 2 +.

    And i will check out your Hotmail account creator as may need this soon.

    Thanks again pal
  • no problem, happy to help
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