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Unable To Create Any Contextual Links..

First let me tell you my setup.

@sickseohas given. Ok i am using private proxies and catch all mail. I can see all the sites are being submitted and when I check the email I can see verification links over there. After a minute I can see that GSA has read the emails as well.

After some time I can see submiited dropping down to 0 and verfied still reamingin at 0.

Engines selected: Article, Forum, Web 2.0 and Wiki

I have already ready many discussion here and BHW. I am unable to figure out the problem. Can anyone help me.

After some time all submitted goes to 0.


  • sickseosickseo London,UK
    edited March 21
    I'd deselect the web 2.0 engine as they don't produce any links.

    For T1, articles, forum, social network and wiki are best. If you haven't already I'd consider investing into the sernuke engines. I've got several thousand contextual and profile link sources already that I've scraped producing links. These engines are my biggest source of links for T1.

    Where are you gtting your link sources from? Only sites you're scraping or are you using a paid list?

    If you want to get a headstart, it might be worthwhile buying a site list for 1 month access so that you have sites to play with. Scraping, testing and building your own list is a long process. Plus if you're new to scaping it does take time to test each footprint and tweak things so that you have only footprints that yield working sites.

    The submitted means that accounts are being created, so it's just the links aren't being verified. it could be related to your project settings, but I'd need to take a look at your set up to get to the bottom of it.

  • Yes, i have used the engines you have said. I have read that in your other comment as well. Sernuke is abit expensive for me right now. I have been using verified and scraped list. Verified list I purchased with friend at low cost.

  • Also i have used verified list from serverified list. I had their subscription for one month that is what I used also.
  • sickseosickseo London,UK
    Those settings look fine. Serverified lists should give you some verified links. It's not a great list for T1's but they will have some working links for sure.

    Did you enable your site list for use? Should have an "X" as above.
  • sickseosickseo London,UK
    Try this as a test:

    Import that url as a target url into your GSA project and tell me if it makes a verified link. I just made that link so it should work.
  • No sir it was unable to create create a verified link on it. Here is the log data:

    14:13:45: Starting project
    14:13:45: [ ] Loaded 1 URL from imported sites
    14:13:45: [+] 004 possible new Target URLs from present accounts.
    14:13:48: [+] 1/5 matches engine -
    14:13:48: [-] 1/5 unable to find suitable URL
    14:13:50: [-] 2/5 download failed (SSL: error:0A0000BF:SSL routines::no protocols available) -
    14:13:52: [+] 3/5 matches engine GnuBoard -
    14:13:52: [-] 3/5 required variable "wr_content" was not used in form.
    14:13:53: [+] 4/5 matches engine MDApplicants -
    14:13:53: [+] 4/5 submission successful (1 submitted - AVG: 458.07/h) -
    14:14:45: [ ] Verifying links...
    14:14:46: [-] 100% Verification of MDApplicants not successful -
    14:14:46: [ ] Verifying finished (1 check done)
    14:15:36: [+] 5/5 matches engine -
    14:15:36: [+] 5/5 unknown registration status -

  • Which list service would you prefer for T1?

  • Tried again:
    14:22:39: Starting project
    14:22:39: [ ] Loaded 1 URL from imported sites
    14:22:47: [+] 1/1 matches engine GnuBoard -
    14:22:47: [-] 1/1 required variable "wr_content" was not used in form.

    same error

  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions

    I have written a blog post on how to create contextual do-follow backlinks. I am having the most success with the custom engines from SERNUKE.

     have a look here: Get Gsa Search Engine Ranker | How To Create Contextual | Asia Virtual Solutions

  • I have already read the blog and also watched your videos 3 times already. I have not done anything extra that you have done. Still this is the problem. Even the link given by @sickseo is unsuccessful. I can create other engines backlinks such as url shorteners, blog comment etc.

    Main problem is the one with dofollow contextual backlinks.

  • sickseosickseo London,UK
    Do you mind sharing your vps login via direct message. I'll login and have a look for you.

    Only other reason could be your catchall email. The redirects and blog comments don't use emails to create links. The contextuals and profiles do use emails to make backlinks.
  • I think I see the problem as GSA is unable to click verification links in the mail.  After the project was finished all the emails were present in inbox not of them were deleted as GSA deletes the email after reading it.

    Then i checked one random email and clicked the verification link and the link was working meaning that the link was never clicked before.

    I just dont know what is stopping GSA to click the links. I tried sliq link clicker and i am getting this error. May be it might be same reason for GSA.

    But when I test the email with gsa I get this

    So i am confused.
  • sickseosickseo London,UK

    That's my email settings. Important to add the delay between logins, otherwise your email server may start blocking email requests from GSA SER, as the server will think it's under attack.
  • edited March 22
    I have added the delay lets see what happens now.
  • I tried without SSL connection and it gives error.

  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    I tried without SSL connection and it gives error.

    When you tried SSL and non-SSL, did you change the port?
    Normally, no SSL is port 110 and SSL would be 995

    Have you tried with non-catch-all emails

  • Yes sir I changed the port accordingly. Currently talking to the host provider. Let see if we can resolve this. Will keep updating.

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