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gsa platform identifier extended engines?

googlealchemistgooglealchemist Anywhere I want
edited March 19 in GSA Platform Identifier
In the 'filter by engines' section I see the box for the ser engines...I kept all but the rss/doc sharing engines (and the blogspot comment) checked there...

But above that in a separate section there are the 'extended engines' and it looks like a lot of cool, specific things to search for, but that arent relevant to what were mainly doing for link building with ser but...there is some overlap with message boards and not sure what to make of this?

and what happens if we untick the main 'filter by engines' box? will it just use whatever/if any custom engines we have upload or am i missing something?

i see a 'recaptcha' setting there, would ticking that be a good way to make a filtered list of link targets that require a recaptcha specific solving solution vs not? which im kind of assuming these days is basically every site anyways?



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