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Import/Identify slowing down the further it gets into an uploaded list?

Just something I've noticed the past few times I've used the import/identify feature in ser directly...when i first import a list of a few hundred k domains...ill watch it start and its just ripping thru the list at a fast speed, identified and unknowns...but ill check back again hours later, or the next day etc...and the pace looks super slow and the list hasnt been gone thru nearly as much as it would have if it would have maintained its initial pace

Is there some sort of cache or temp file or ? other issue that might be going on?

I've seen this on mixed lists of various domains, all already checked to be alive and trimmed to their root.

As well as large lists of wordpress subdomain urls.

And I have platform identifier which Ill try again at some point as a standalone but for now, direct to ser is what im interested in figuring out.


  • SvenSven
    Hmm Im not aware of any issues here. There ic no cache used to identify things.
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