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CL67FCL67F Strasbourg (France)
My account was blocked because GSA Softwares activities are not legal with PROXY WEBSHARE !

Hope this help.
Made for everybody.


  • CL67FCL67F Strasbourg (France)

    Must search for an other proxy service for GSA Softwares !

    Hope this help.
    Made for everybody.
  • sickseosickseo London,UK
    Not legal? Are you kidding? Since when was building links and posting content illegal?

    Just because webshare don't like their proxies being used for seo activities, this does not make it illegal.

    You need to use seo friendly proxies. Using proxies that are not seo friendly will lead to your account being banned. Has nothing to do with illegal actvities. I suggest you confirm with your proxy provider first if seo tools are allowed to be used with their proxies.
  • CL67FCL67F Strasbourg (France)
    edited March 5

    I used WEBSHARE for 3 months and this morning my account is blocked ! Maybe to much errors ???

    Must create an other account with an other e-mail ! Still the cheapest service proxy !

    Hope this help.
    Made for evrybody.
  • sickseosickseo London,UK
    That's a terrible idea. Do you not learn from your mistakes? They banned you and you want to go back for more? lmfao!

    What is wrong with you? Are you human or a bot?

    Try or or - all seo friendly proxy providers that won't ban you for using in seo tools.
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    CL67F said:
    My account was blocked because GSA Softwares activities are not legal with PROXY WEBSHARE !

    Hope this help.
    Made for everybody.

    I send you a PM where you can find good cheap proxies for GSA SER
  • CL67FCL67F Strasbourg (France)
    edited March 6

    I created an other account with an other e-mail ! It works ! does the job with GSA Softwares and is the cheapest of all !

  • sickseosickseo London,UK
  • sickseosickseo London,UK
    If you're only running 1 install of gsa at 100 threads then you can use shared private proxies. That will be the cheapest option. Even 10 proxies is enough for 100 threads.

    Most providers will have unlimited bandwidth,

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