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Hello, GSA configuration

rbktelefonrbktelefon romania
edited March 3 in Need Help
Who can help me with configuring the program? I followed a tutorial on YouTube but I have the impression that it works very slowly, that is, it doesn't link in 40 hours. Is this good or bad? I don't know. I'm asking.


  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited March 3
    Hi. You probably have to work on the settings.

    You can probably use more than 20 threads, as you seem to have sufficient proxies.

    But there shouldn't really be super long gaps with no postings.  Something is causing that, also.

    Maybe your proxies are not working with Search Engines?

    Some proxies are god for everything, and some cannot be used for scraping.

    Be sure your proxies can pass the Google test in SER or use a different SE and see how it goes.

    Just some guesses.

  • I say I'm ok proxy
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