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How Do I Disable A Field?

DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
edited February 20 in Need Help
Hi, everyone.
I was playing with a copy of the ZombieDev WP engine and added a field.
(Meaning, I left the Z WP engine alone and made no changes, but then made a copy, and was messing with that copy of the original Z WP engine file!)
At first, I set to the very first field I was playing with :| to:
must be filled=1
but then the field appeared on projects not even using that engine. (unchecked)
Now I have a field that won't go away.
I removed
must be filled=1
in the modified engine I'm playing with
but the issue persists.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.


  • Hello @Deeeeeeee

    This field should not appear if the engine is not selected, can you add a code snippet or screenshot?
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited February 20
    OK. To be a bit clearer, what I'm getting is the pop-up when trying to Save changes in any Project.

    The pop-up says Please enter 'tag'.

    That was the field I was playing around with, and I quickly took off the must be filled parameter.

    Like I said, now every project is prompting me to fill in this field. Usually, I know a field disappears when a particular engine using that field is not checked.  In this case, it's still prompting even when that project is unchecked. And, I also took that line out of the engine.

  • edited February 20
    Yes, I see, have you tried disabling all engines and see if that input tag is still there?
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited February 20
    OK...When I deselect all engines, I can exit and save the project without the prompt.

    Once I re-select the engines (excluding the one I was working with that uses 'Tag') the field comes back.


  • cherubcherub
    If you mouse over the 'Help' word to the right of 'Tag', does it give a tooltip saying 'Used in:' with a list of engines?
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