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Issue On SER Extending Number of Characters in Username To Meet Minimum In Engine

DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
edited February 16 in Bugs
Very odd..

I was playing with the new ZWordpress engine.
I had used a test account that is only 4 characters long.
The engine calls for minimum of 6 characters, so SER appended two characters to the Username.

But now the project continues to use the Username AND PW first assigned during testing when the extra characters were added. I have since changed both these fields a bunch of times and there's an issue.

I have now tried a few others usernames over 6 characters, as well as leaving the field  blank and checking random, but I still see the same Username and PW each time!
So, OFC,  the engine is failing bc it's trying to still use the first Username and PW I had entered, when SER had to append two characters. I have since changed the username to meet the 6 character minimum, instead of changing the engine.
I even restarted SER.
I looked at the engine to see if I hadn't accidentally put some extra characters in there when I was looking at after I first DLed it. Nothing.
It should not be happening.
I guess it has to be something with the process where SER adds characters to a username? Somehow, this gets stuck. I'll try duplicating Project to see if persists.


Sven, when I copy the project this issue stops. So it looks like the Username char extender was stuck?
P.S. Finally got the ZombieDev WordPress engine working.
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