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Posting to Your Own Wordpress Site

DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
edited February 13 in Need Help
Accidentally erased my post. :|
Anyway, testing posting to my own Wordpress.
Using two accounts for each Wordpress engine in the Articles section of SER Engines, not sure which is correct. (The three engines I am testing are:  WordPress Forum, Wordpresss XMLRPC (Article), and Wordpress Article (Article). I've tried all three.

One project for each engine uses a username and PW that I already made in Wordpress. Not sure if that works...

The other project for each of the Wordpress Article engines creates an account with a random username and PW.
Nothing is working. It's not even getting that far. :|
Here is the SER log:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

01:00:44: Setting up project
01:00:44: Setting up project
01:00:44: Setting up project
01:00:44: Setting up project
01:00:44: Setting up project
01:00:44: Setting up project
01:00:44: Starting project
01:00:44: Starting project
01:00:44: Starting project
01:00:44: Starting project
01:00:44: [ ] Loaded 1 URL from imported sites
01:00:44: Starting project
01:00:44: Starting project
01:00:44: [ ] Loaded 1 URL from imported sites
01:00:44: [ ] Loaded 1 URL from imported sites
01:00:44: [ ] Loaded 1 URL from imported sites
01:00:44: [ ] Loaded 1 URL from imported sites
01:00:44: [ ] Loaded 1 URL from imported sites
01:00:44: [-] 1/1 no engine matches - ht tp://----------- .com/
01:00:44: [-] 1/1 no engine matches - h ttp://----------- .com/
01:00:44: [-] 1/1 no engine matches - h ttp://----------- .com/
01:00:44: [-] 1/1 no engine matches - htt p://----------- .com/
01:00:44: [-] 1/1 no engine matches - h ttp://----------- .com/
01:00:44: [-] 1/1 no engine matches - htt p://----------- .com/
01:00:44: [+] 1/1 matches engine Wordpress Article - ht tp://----------- .com/
01:00:44: [+] 1/1 new URL - ht tp://----------- .com/wp-login.php?action=register
01:00:44: [+] 1/1 new URL - ht tp://----------- .com/wp-login.php?action=register
01:00:44: [-] 1/1 wrong engine detected (!page not found) - ht tp://----------- .com/wp-login.php?action=register
01:00:44: [+] 1/1 matches engine Wordpress Article - htt p://----------- .com/
01:00:44: [+] 1/1 new URL - ht tp://----------- .com/wp-login.php?action=register
01:00:44: [+] 1/1 new URL - h ttp://----------- .com/wp-login.php?action=register
01:00:44: [-] 1/1 wrong engine detected (!page not found) - ht tp://----------- .com/wp-login.php?action=register


  • Hi @Deeeeeeee !

    The Wordpress XMLRPC engine is sufficient to be able to publish on your Wordpress sites, add "/xmlrpc.php" to your urls. ;)
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited February 13
    Thanks @Oscar! I couldn't sleep waiting for the morning so I could get back to this and hopefully find an answer somewhere! lol

    Finding your response is even better! Now I can just test and see what's up.

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I wanted to write a few responses on threads. NOW, I can see if this works.
    Often, things DON'T work on first try. lol So, at least now I know the proper engine and to hit that php file. I would never have discovered that on my own, and I hadn't yet found it. You've saved me so much time! :) HOPEFULLY....this works...
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited February 13
    Hmm..This isn't working for the specific WordPress install I want to use SER with.

    I'll think I need to test with a different WP site, bc it may be this site in particular.

    I get:
    XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.
    on a different WP site when I navigate to the php file.  So at least that install might work?

    But on the site I'm trying to do this for I get:
    This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
    <string>XML-RPC is disabled</string>
    So, I want to try a different site. Not one I plan to use SER to post to, but just to see what's going on. I used the one that seemed to have a working xmlrpc system. This is what I got:

    13:23:57: [ ] Loaded 1 URL from imported sites
    13:23:59: [+] 1/1 matches engine Wordpress XMLRPC - htt p:/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/xmlrpc.php
    13:23:59: [+] 1/1 matches engine Wordpress XMLRPC - ht tp://zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    13:23:59: [-] 1/1 unknown login status - ht tp://zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/xmlrpc.php

    This is using the WP install that returned the first message when I navigated to it. But that isn't getting any further.
    I tried, again, using a pre-made account I made by hand in WP and SER creating a random new account.
    Neither worked.  :|

  • We need to see what's going on, go to "Options" -> "Advance" -> enable: "Run in debug mode". :)
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited February 14
    Ah...This Debugging Tool is new to me. 
    OK...In the html, I see tons of curvy-shape-creating commands so it must be CloudFlare's graphic for the screen that comes up. 
    And, the text makes me sure:
    Please wait while your request is being verified...
    That's definitely it.
    I should disable CF for my own IP, anyway. :| 
    (Can we specify a certain port to use for the xml Wordpress engine? Can Cloudflare ONLY unblock one port in free version?)

    About to eat sleep - it got late - so will check tomorrow.
    Thank you for suggestion of using the Debugger.
    It made it easy to see what seems to be the issue. I will get to it in the morning. Hopefully, the CloudFlare is all and we'll be onto new fun stuff!! And, even if this works, this isn't the actual site Im trying to post to. Just one that seems to almost work. lol But even that would be progress! :smile:
  • @Deeeeeeee ok, to add a port to the url/domain it is enough with: “”, but it is not a good option to enable ports, besides, SER would verify that URL as valid.

    I haven't used CF for a long time, it should be able to allow you to unblock IPs, but if you use proxies, it gets complicated. :)
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    I haven't really been getting anywhere. Cloudflare seems stuck on. :| I purged buffers...but...those sites with CF weren't even the ones I intend to use this with.  Just testing bc it seemed the site I was trying to test was broken.
    I see now it's probably bc the site isn't redirecting properly.
    The wordpress files are in an inner folder, but the server is associated with that particular  domain, hence it's in the public_html folder and not a sub-folder, like usually would be the case.
    So,  if I try to go to Ht tps://SomeSiteSomewhere/files/xmlrpc.php
    at first SER sees the files but then the site redirtects to
    Ht tps://SomeSiteSomewhere/xmlrpc.php and I get Not Found.
    Trying to access the php file without the inner folder doesn't work.
    I didn't do a true redirect. I have to fix that. This was just putting index.html in root for WP.
    Doesn't seem to work the same way.

  • Hello @Deeeeeeee

    “files/xmlrpc.php” Inside ‘files’ is the WP installation?

    I'll answer you first thing tomorrow, now I'm going to the living room (in Spain it's late already) ;)

  • You have several options, you can move the “xmlrpc.php” file back to the ROOT and add protection, but you will have to edit the original SER engine and add an “http header” to accept only your requests (for example).

    Or change: “./xmlrpc.php” to “%original_targeturl%”, you'll have to do your tests, because I haven't tried any of this.

    About using the PUBLIC_HTML folder of the hosting as destination of the subdomains, the domains you have added should not resolve that PATH in URL, but keep the sanity of “ht..p://example.this/xmlrpc.php”.

    I don't know if you use CPanel or Plesk, but with CPanel you can quickly change the PATH of each hosted domain by making a previous backup.

    It is a security risk to host sites inside the PUBLIC_HTML folder, I strongly recommend you to move them to the ROOT. :)
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited February 15
    @Oscar, thank you for the info and suggestions.
    I was wondering if I could just rename the xmlrpc.php file to anything else, e.g. GSAxmlrpc.php or something? I'm guessing no other Wordpress files  require xmlrpc.php and only  remote posters via Internet trying to post use this file.
    I don't think I can unblock my own IP because I will be running this at the same time as other Projects that require proxies.
    So, I don't know if there are rules for (free) CF to not proxy/buffer just some files or paths or whatever.

    I am going to just start another T1 clean Wordpress installation on a different domain for now, just so i can play with the Wordpress engine and I'll see about getting to the intended T1 with the files in inner folder issue afterwards. I just want to keep moving forward, and the more involved issues I'll solve later. :)
    It is a security risk to host sites inside the PUBLIC_HTML folder,
    Thanks for letting me know! Some hosts start a new installation of WP in  a sub-folder in PUBLIC_HTML so I assumed this was ok.
    I am concerned now knowing it is NOT! :cold_sweat:

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