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Posting Links Only On Articles That Contain Anchor Text

DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
edited February 12 in Feature Requests
Hi, Sven, and GSA peeps.
I was wondering if, in the article options pane,  we could get a checkbox and text toggle with options  to ONLY post a link/anchor in articles that have anchor text in them that matches one of the list of all possible valid anchors for that project, or some other criteria? (I outline a few options below)
In this way, I hope to auto-post articles, some of which are not what I'm backlinking, and only a percentage will have KWs which I would want to create backlinks on.
In other words, I'd rather if SER only posts links to articles that actually contain one of potentially many anchor text matches for that project.
And, yes, I am going to be posting some articles that do not contain ANY anchor text.
Variations could go more in-depth, even, to provide more flexibility...

[x] Only post  links if %anchor_text% matches ANY, of every single possible, anchor found in article
[x] Only post  links if this anchor is selected by SER: [[widget,widget43]]
[x] Only post  links if this anchor is selected by SER: [[widget,widget43]] and is found in the article as well
[X] Only post  links if %anchor_text% matches any of the  CHECKED (in use) anchor fields for Project.
[X] Only post  links if %anchor_text% matches any of the  UNCHECKED (not in use) anchor fields.

OFC, if this is useful I guess it would have to be a checkbox and a text toggle between options to keep wit the GUI styling and not make a mess of the neatness.


Alternatively,,,I could right this I guess?

Have this work as two projects.
The Project that is posting the articles WITH Kws posts the percentage matching what you're looking for.
The Project that is posting the articles WITHOUT KWs in the articles generated posts at the percentage you're looking for.

So, Project with links could post every 7 days, 1 article, let's say.
Project without links could post every day, 1 article.

You can get a [7:1] ratio of articles with links to articles, to those articles  without links, over a set span of time.
But then there is the day where you'll have both overlap, I guess set the backlink project to a different time of day???

And, each is independently adjustable. And, controllable. I think I like that better.

Sven can save time this way, if there's a workaround! lol He's already busy and this seem to work if the articles that are intended to have a KW and those that do not are distinct. If you had an article that could potentially spin to either case, you'd need the suggestion I proposed or some other solution. Still, maybe it's useful?
I guess I don't really need this if I just separate the projects based on which types of articles SER will be posting, those that are supposed to get a link, and those that are not.
Maybe there are other instances where this could be useful to SER users? Anyone?

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