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Is Article Selection by SER Random or Successive and Can We Switch This?

DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
edited February 13 in Need Help
What is normal SER operation regarding selecting an article? Does SER iterate through the list or are articles randomly selected. (I am only interested in successive, so if this is the default, no need to think about changing any settings.) Thanks, to anyone who knows. Let me try testing.

P.S. I am guessing successive, b/c SER can be set to only post each article one time and I seem to recall this goes down the list? Anyone can confirm?


  • SvenSven
    SER is choosing the best article based on the anchor text it previously has chosen.
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited February 13
    Hmm...Sven, I've been thinking about this and I wanted to know if adding a switch isn't too much work, and actually worthwhile.  
    It's not just for the sake of adding features that I ask this! :| I want to expand how I use SER's article posting function and begin posting to my own  Wordpress blogs.

    This switch in the Article Pane of Project Data would either:
    1. Use the system SER has right now, searching for best article match with the KW SER has selected via spintax, out of the articles remaining in the stack.
    2. Successively use articles in descending order, when SER iterates to end of list of articles, start in at beginning if set to reuse.

    ===== Article Selection Switch                                                        =====
    =====o Find Best KW match Article                                              =====
    =====● Use Articles In Order [ ● descending o ascending ]         =====
    =====o Some other modes?!?!?!?!?!?!                                           =====

    I am trying to get SER to post non-KW articles in certain projects. It seems like splitting my stacks of articles between ones that I want an anchor posted on and those that I don't is easiest.  I had thought of more complex solutions, but this works!! :|'
    This switch would facilitate that use, and offer many other use-cases. I considered just two, below...
    (Sven, and forum members, please see my other post where I write more on this, if it sounds interesting to you!)

    Mode 1 would be best for articles that...contain Keywords that you want to link on.
    Mode 2 would be best if you are just using brand/anchor at the end of the text. Also, this would be great for posting articles that you never want to place a backlink on. Generic (authority) links, maybe.  Pics and video, too. But let's say you just don't want backlinks on those.
    Mode 3? Not sure. Anyone want to think about this? Just for fun, even? 

    I just want to go down the list and keep everything in the order in which I placed them, thus ensuring that the deliberate order they were placed in the Article Module is retained!
    Anyone have any ideas on this>?
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