Issue with SER and E-mail Provider Regarding Bandwidth
I have been away from this board for a while. Again. 

Anyway, hello to all still here.
I was wondering if there was a way to mitigate an issue I'm having.
It's regarding notices from my e-mail provider I'm using for catch-alls.
The bandwidth is too high for their liking. It's gone as high as 25 gigabytes.
I know there are a few answers.
I can get additional catch-alls, and distribute my average daily email bandwidth amongst a larger set.
That will work right away a a solution.
So that's really what I need to do...
Do catchalls that can be purchased have such issues with bandwidth? Maybe buying catch-alls is another way?
Still, I keep hoping that SER could deal with e-mails more efficiently. I am not sure it's possible. 

SER doesn't save the contents of the e-mails and e-mail titles and dates as a flat file on the local machine running SER.
Sven, could that file be used as a buffer, firstly? So then other project can first check these locally saved email messages? And then, just connect to email looking for that tile and delete, saving time?
Sven, could that file also be used to skip ahead when actually connecting to the email server and ignore opening those e-mails that are already known to NOT be related?
We could also have the flat file sync with the actual e-mail at some user-determined interval, I guess...
It seems wasteful to DL all that email data and not use it somehow! lol
I know the various SER engines check for e-mails at different intervals, depending on the engine. OK.
Also, when more than one project is checking the same email accounts simultaneously, SER is DLing the same thing at the same time.
I know projects don't really interact with each other, and in this way they still wouldn't but could have a toggle to turn off e-mail buffering, so the e-mails acnbe synced between projects and between a flat file and the email system.
Thank you.
While you can create your own catchall using a cPanel hosting, I recommend using my CatchE software. It allows you to create catchall emails automatically and regularly updates your GSA SER projects, so you won't have to manage your emails manually. The software includes unlimited bandwidth and unlimited threads hosting and costs $9 per month, with a one-time license fee of $99 at the start.