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Color of the Status tabs

Hello everyone!
Sometime in this forum I read that in Search Engine Ranker it is possible to customize the color of the Status tabs. Can someone tell me how to do it? Thanks


  • SvenSven
    You can change the colour of the project name used in logs and on the right where verified URLs are shown, if it's that what you mean.
    Edit the project -> go to the tab where you can add notes and at the bottom you can set the colour.
    Thanked by 1verdemuschio
  • Thank you, Sven
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    verdemuschio: I love this feature!  :heart:
    Just be aware when choosing colors that some work better than others.
    You'll see what doesn't work well against the various background fields very quickly once you run the project.
  • In fact, that's exactly how it is.
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