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Antivirus apps may click on your email verification links and ruin everything!

It's getting worse each day it seems. Right now anti virus apps are scanning or malware automatically and clicking on your email links to check their content. Thats of course not what we need as some of the verification links in emails are one-time links...clicking them twice is no longer working and so the login/verification will not!
Just wanted to get this to your attention!

Thanked by 1Digitalw0


  • londonseolondonseo London, UK
    Does this affect catchall emails?
  • SvenSven
    Only if you are checking these accounts on your PC with that anti virus program running.
    Thanked by 1londonseo
  • TFS 

    knew this. Sometimes this happen with Pronton emails (by default as well )But i don't think anyone wants to setup gsa emails in their email client.

  • In genral transparency from major companies regarding their security measures would foster trust. Embracing these changes will be key to navigating the complexities of modern web security. but Iam realy happy this is not effect our value GSA SER. and thanks Sven, for this value Information, and as @OMRON said is not one setup thier email client on pc.
  • 9tRider9tRider New wark
    I don't think anyone will use their default email which setup with their client will use with gsa ser or other seo tools.

    Anyway it's good to know thank you @Sven
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