Verified List is not being saved by Latest version

in Need Help
Issue: No matter what I do, verified list does not get saved in designation folder.
Please Help in this. This bug is around from couple of months and I am not sure why nobody reported this sofar.
Maybe it is just me
But if I use a older version, It works fine and start saving verfied list to folder.
I tried multiple servers. I make sure it is not my end problem.
Have a look @Sven
the older version no longer working for me and I need this issue fixed ... If need any other information, I will be available.

Please Help in this. This bug is around from couple of months and I am not sure why nobody reported this sofar.
Maybe it is just me
But if I use a older version, It works fine and start saving verfied list to folder.
I tried multiple servers. I make sure it is not my end problem.
Have a look @Sven
the older version no longer working for me and I need this issue fixed ... If need any other information, I will be available.

After 10 minutes, it is still nothing.
Nope, it is not.
It is getting new targets from Identified.
Identified is written by GSA PI
Just checked it again and it is not checked.
I am going to drop a few relevent screenshot as well.
None of the Verified list is being written
EVen if I disable this "Add PR" option, it automatically activate after software restart.
But I seen some of my friends experiencing this...sometimes gsa ser doesn't obey the command..mine sometimes writing even after enabled read yes something going wrong..
It is completly off for me... Trying to find a temp solution untill @Sven fix this.
Thanks to everyone above who replied, helped to fix thr issue./
My Failed List is still being written by GSA even tho I checked RO check.