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Request for Project-Specific Proxy Settings in GSA

edited January 4 in Feature Requests


I am currently configuring GSA and would like to make a humble request regarding proxy settings. At present, proxy configuration is only available as a global setting.

However, it would be incredibly helpful if I could enable or disable the use of proxies on a per-project basis. This feature would allow for much greater flexibility and control, especially when managing multiple projects with different requirements.

If possible, I kindly ask that this functionality be considered for inclusion in the next update. It would make a tremendous difference for users like me who rely on GSA for diverse project configurations.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I truly appreciate your efforts in improving GSA and look forward to your response.

Best regards


  • @Sven

    Is it impossible?

  • SvenSven
    I have it on my to do list...though the next week I have little to no time coding...a home project needs my attention and Im unsure if I find time for something new to add.
  • Sven said:
    I have it on my to do list...though the next week I have little to no time coding...a home project needs my attention and Im unsure if I find time for something new to add.
    Thank you. Just having additional tasks added makes me happy!
    Have a wonderful day!
  • SvenSven
    latest update has this a project option for custom proxy setups.
    Thanked by 2royalmice 조보아
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