No results
I wonder what is up?
I'm looking for certain types of company. On my first run, I got loads of results.
Now [looking for a different type of company] I get nothing [or next to nothing, after about four days - some 100+ results]
It all seems to be aborting due to timeouts ???
What does this mean?
Are my smartproxy proxies burnt or something????
Am I putting something wrong in during the set up of the scraper process?

I'm looking for certain types of company. On my first run, I got loads of results.
Now [looking for a different type of company] I get nothing [or next to nothing, after about four days - some 100+ results]
It all seems to be aborting due to timeouts ???
What does this mean?
Are my smartproxy proxies burnt or something????
Am I putting something wrong in during the set up of the scraper process?

Thanks for the help.
I was running two projects - both had stopped for many hours, still busy but not finding anything - when I stopped one to check proxies... the other one started to find todo results. But still not working properly
Anyway - I checked many times just now. 23/25 working. Sometimes 24/25. If I then check the odd one, that also shows up as working ?
So I'm not sure - but I can't ever get 25/25 tested to be cleared as working
Can I get them changed by smart proxy??? I have static residential ISP [25 of them]. Or are you stuck with the same 25?
And if I 'burned' them so fast with Scrape Genie - why wouldn't I again with another 25 ISPs?
I don't see how I wouldn't keep burning them?
I have used 5gb so far. And most was on non-Google searches that yielded no results.
I'm hoping it's something else that is blocking the results. Any help would be awesome. Even if it's just to say - no way is it the Smart proxies... it must be something you have done wrong, or a glitch in the software...
Thanks again for any help
I believe they are checked on google [not google GB]
It's on Scrape Genie I test them:
Just done another check 12 of 25 are working. Why are so many not working? Is there an issue?
I need to get this working - as I have lost so many days. What should I be doing? Or looking into?
Any help would be awesome.
Edit - Just realized its a timeout issue so sounds like it might be mainly a proxy issue.
I don't think that is the case.
As - per the files I sent to BHW - the exact same settings but with other search engines being used, was bring back results.
Or to put it another way... I just took off the h1/title filter [even though I know that means I will collect a lot of junky emails]... and set that off... [google only as the search engine] it's been running for a while an not one result.
The other search engines being back thousands of results [and that's with h1/title filter on]
I take it this is NOT a known issue?
It's annoying as smartproxy have made me do numerous checks and they say there is no issue with the proxies and google search engine. And it also seems like there is nothing set up wrong in the app.
I don't know what else I can do.
And anyway - the app says the issues is "aborted due to timing out" - so how can that be due to h1/title filter?
What does Google aborting due to timeout mean? Genie can't get onto google? The proxy doesn't work?
I'm just a little frustrated. Sorry