That timeout is for bits seen from a server. If a server didn't give any reply for 2 minutes, its dead! A captcha service however is having a URL you call to check for the status. It either gives back the result or a "wait, not ready" kind of message. So this will not have any impact to increase it to 200.
If it is dead than Does it mean that submission after 120 seconds is not possible whether captcha is solved or not ?
so this will apply to gsa ser timeout too ?
All those 120+ recaptcha solves are probably being dead before it is solved.
(120 sec is just for download of html form, data and not including the solving of recaptcha, submission ?)
if captcha solving is taking 190 seconds between step 1 and 3b , it is already past 120 seconds.
SO will the submission take place or aborted ?
but can you tell me
(120 sec is just for download of html form, data and not including the solving of recaptcha, submission ?)
if captcha solving is taking 190 seconds between step 1 and 3b , it is already past 120 seconds.
SO will the submission take place or aborted ?