Implementing image filters like uniquebg from GSA in popular libraries.
I am using custom captcha sdk and I am brute forcing to find the best filter solution for captcha.
My question is, after specifying the image filters, is there an easy way to convert them to any popular library? Because some of them are not directly available in ImageMagick or OpenCV.
Is there even a document that explains the algorithm of these filters?
For example, specifically about this filter:
-uniquebg FFFFFF
Here, in addition to removing and whitening the background, it even removes the lines on the captcha. I don't think this is a simple algorithm.
I even tried the technique and algorithms:
Hough Line Transform
Morphological Transformations
Canny Edge Detector
to detect and remove lines but I couldn't implement it with that quality.
How can I implement it in my code?
