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proper way to import site lists?

sorry for noob question but i haven't been able to find a clear answer on this.

there are 4 different places for site list settings that i'm seeing:

1. global 'Options' where you can point the site lists to a folder
2. campaign 'Options' where you can uncheck all search engines, then check 'Use URLs from global site lists if enabled', and then check the lists you want to use
3. from the main screen you can right click a campaign, then Import Target URLs > From Site Lists where it will tell you how many it imported etc.
4. the campaign right click 'Status' option of Active (Submit with Global Site List Only)

bit lost as to which of those a i should be using and which i shouldn't touch when working with a site list. i ran a test campaign and it's clearly working, but i'm not sure which combination of those 4 options is the 'correct' way going forward.

site site list is autosync in dropbox.

appreciate any clarification - thanks for your time.


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