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Lots of "Awaiting account verification"

I tested the tool with some urls, I got 130 submitted and only 3 verified. When I check the submitted urls, all of them are "Awaiting account verification". Does it mean it's awaiting for the email confirmation? If so, that's strange because I saw myself all the emails coming in my catchall inbox and they have all been dealt with (then deleted). So what happened, why this message for all submitted urls?


  • Also the tool is testing proxies whereas I didnt select any proxies I dont want to use them, my IP is already rotating without the use of any proxy, so why SER waste ressources to look for proxies?
  • SvenSven
    you probably have enabled that proxy testing in proxy options...nothing happens without your setup.
  • Thanks @Sven I disable proxy scraping it seems to do the job, cool.
    And for the lots of "Awaiting account verification" ? Maybe it is related to this question where I noticed my emails are not really checked ?

  • ok I read similar threads, I think it's normal due to sites not sending their confirmation emails. There are a lot though
  • ipanipan indonesia
    remirom said:
    ok I read similar threads, I think it's normal due to sites not sending their confirmation emails. There are a lot though
    So, basically for the "awaiting account verification" notification, namely waiting for the code from the website? but it didn't come, what do you mean?
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